Amanda Williams's Profile:

Amanda Williams has 2 Published Articles. Profile has been viewed 1201 times.

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Psychic Amanda,
328-A Wilson Avenue,
Canada, Ontario, Toronto,
M3H1S9, 4165198055
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My name is Amanda im a psychic & spiritualist people always ask me what is a psychic or what is a spiritualist I simply tell them im indigo why indigo? a indigo is a human being that is in tune with his or her surroundings like how another person if sum one near me is happy I feel that joy but if the person is in distress or pain I also feel this not only am I just in tune with a persons emotions I can actually hone in on a persons thoughts whether it be a buried traumatic situations from the past or what your planning to do during the week , this is why I say being psychic/indigo are two of the same psychics/indigos have been around for ages
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Spirituality (2)